QFT for Mathematicians 2022 : a partially pedagogical workshop at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, to take place on June 20-30, 2022.
The workshop is in part a follow-up to QFT for Mathematicians 2019. It is especially aimed at mathematicians — at all levels from advanced graduate students to senior faculty — who wish to tear down the language and communication barriers between mathematics and quantum field theory. This year we will focus on algebraic, geometric, and homological structures in supersymmetric gauge theories. We will use 3-dimensional N=4 gauge and N=2 theories --- which have seen an explosion of interest in both physical and mathematical communities in recent years --- as a key source of new examples exploring their connections with integrability, boundary vertex algebras and elliptic cohomology, knot homology, 2d mirror symmetry, and the geometric Langlands program.
The week of June 20-24, the workshop will run in hybrid mode, with most speakers and some attendees on site in Waterloo, and others participating remotely. This first week will be pedagogical ; everyone is welcome to apply to join in-person. The following week, June 27-30, the workshop will continue entirely online.
In order to attend either in-person or online, you must register/apply at
Confirmed in-person speakers and discussion leaders the first week include : Mykola Dedushenko Justin Hilburn Natalie Paquette Lev Rozansky as well as members of the organizing committee : Kevin Costello Tudor Dimofte Davide Gaiotto Ben Webster Philsang Yoo
As part of the ACPMS Seminar is organised a special 1-day seminar :
The amplituhedron : algebra, combinatorics, and physics (www)
Thu, April 8, 2021
Computing amplitudes is the central objective in high-energy physics. For decades, the procedure of summing over Feynman diagrams in perturbative quantum field theory was the name of the game. However, performing this task in practice is severely hampered by the combinatorial explosion of the number of these diagrams. In 2013, N. Arkani-Hamed and J. Trnka introduced the amplituhedron, which proposes a fruitful geometric-combinatorial approach to computing (tree-level) amplitudes. Relating them to volumes of certain polytopes in the realm of Grassmannians opens up the possibility of a severe reduction in computational complexity.
This 1-day series of seminar talks aiming at making the underlying mathematics (and the bridge to physics) transparent for an interested audience.
All times CET (GMT+1) on Thu, April 8, 2021.
15:00–15:45 Steven Karp 16:00–16:45 Lauren Williams 17:15–18:00 Hugh Thomas 18:15–19:00 Thomas Lam
Sessions will be hosted via Zoom and/or gather.town.
December 16-19, 2019 : Conference on Supergeometry, Supersymmetry and Quantization
Topics :
The conference will bring researchers across both the fields of mathematics and physics together in order to discuss recently developed topics, on-going work and speculative new ideas within supergeometry and its applications in physics. This event offers a unique opportunity to unite physicists and mathematicians who share a common interest in supermathematics. There will be enough time available for discussions between the participants ; a poster session for junior researchers will be organized. The main topics include :
Supermanifolds and their generalizations (e.g., superschemes, color
supermanifolds, noncommutative supergeometry...)
Super Lie groups and Lie superalgebras
Supergeometric methods in physics
Geometric aspects of supersymmetric field theories, superstrings, and
Mathematical aspects of the BV-BRST formalism
List of confirmed speakers :
· Glenn Barnich (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
· José Miguel Figueroa-O’Farrill (University of Edinburgh)
· Rita Fioresi (University of Bologna)
· Janusz Grabowski (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
· Richard Kerner (Sorbonne University)
· Hovhannes Khudaverdyan (University of Manchester)
· Alexei Kotov (University of Hradec Kralove)
· Dimitry Leites (Stockholm University)
· Yuri Manin (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn)
· Sergei Merkulov (University of Luxembourg)
· Ruben Mkrtchyan (Yerevan Physics Institute)
· Valentin Ovsienko (CNRS, Reims)
· Ivan Penkov (Jacobs University Bremen)
· Jian Qiu (University of Uppsala)
· Vladimir Salnikov (CNRS, La Rochelle)
· Urs Schreiber (NYU Abu Dhabi and Czech Acedemy, Prague)
· Albert Schwarz (University of California, Davis)
· Ekaterina Shemyakova (University of Minneapolis)
· Francesco Toppan (Brazilian Center for Physics Research, Rio de
· Luca Vitagliano (University of Salerno)
· Alexander Voronov (University of Minnesota)
· Ted Voronov (University of Manchester)
Scientific Committee :
Andrew Bruce (University of Luxembourg), Steven Duplij (University of
Münster), Janusz Grabowski (Polish Academy of Sciences), Norbert Poncin
(University of Luxembourg), Ted Voronov (University of Manchester)
Organizing Committee :
Andrew Bruce (University of Luxembourg), Eduardo Ibarguengoytia
(University of Luxembourg)
Contact : andrew.bruce@uni.lu
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Summer School New frontiers in Singular SPDEs and Scaling Limit
It will take place at the Hausdorff Institute of Mathematics in Bonn (Germany) between the 23-27 September 2019. The school is composed of 4 mini-courses by
Tadahiro Oh (University of Edinburgh) Felix Otto (Max Planck Institute Leipzig) Fabio Toninelli (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1) Nikolaos Zygouras (University of Warwick)
The deadline for registration is the 30th of June. For more information, please visit the website
Webpage : www.mn.uio.no/csa-2019
The workshop "Mathematics of interacting QFT models", will take place in York (UK), 1-5 July 2019. The workshop will be hosted at King’s Manor, which is a lovely historical building right in the city centre.
Rigorous construction of interacting quantum field theory (QFT) models in 4 spacetime dimensions is one of the biggest challenges of mathematical physics. The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts working on different aspects of interacting QFT to present recent results and discuss perspectives for future directions. The main discussion topics will be :
Axiomatic systems for QFT : progress in constructing interacting models.
Renormalization : analytic and combinatorial aspects.
Infrared problem : progress and perspectives.
If you are interested in participation, please contact the organizer : Dr. Kasia Rejzner (kr763@york.ac.uk). There will be a limited number of contributed talk slots, so if you would like to propose a talk, please send the title and the abstract to the organizer as soon as possible and before the 1st May 2019.
More information (including the list of speakers) is available at the conference website : https://www.lqp2.org/node/1548.
Journées de Physique Mathémathique de Lyon 27-29 May 2019 RANDOM TENSORS AND SYK MODELS
The Journées de Physique Mathématique de Lyon is an annual advanced school in mathematical physics. This year’s edition is devoted to a series of courses on *Random tensors and SYK models*. We will organise three mini series of lectures for a mixed audience of mathematical physicists, especially students and young researchers.
The speakers for the lecture series are :
Razvan Gurau (Palaiseau), Vladimir Rosenhaus (Princeton), Gabor Sarosi (U. of Pensylvannia).
Registration is free but mandatory (deadline : May 13.). Please follow the indications provided on the dedicated website.
We can provide some financial support for students and young researchers (you can ask for it while filling the registration form).
Nguyen Viet Dang dang@math.univ-lyon1.fr Stefan Hohenegger s.hohenegger@ipnl.in2p3.fr Henning Samtleben henning.samtleben@ens-lyon.fr Fabien Vignes-Tourneret vignes@math.univ-lyon1.fr
Première / Deuxième / Troisième annonce
École de Recherche CIMPA : Algebraic and geometrical methods in string theory (Méthodes algébriques et géométriques en théorie des cordes). Buenos Aires, Argentine. 28 octobre - 8 novembre, 2019.
L’École de Recherche CIMPA “Algebraic and geometrical methods in string theory” (“Méthodes algébriques et géométriques en théorie des cordes”) se déroulera à Buenos Aires, en Argentine, du 28 octobre au 8 novembre 2019, organisée par le Centre international d’études avancées (ICAS, UNSaM). L’objectif principal de l’école est de fournir une introduction à de nombreux domaines mathématiques pertinents dans le contexte de la théorie des cordes, ainsi que quelques cours sur la théorie des cordes elle-même.
Les sujets comprennent :
Les algèbres vertex et leurs modules,
La théorie des représentations des algèbres de Lie de dimension infinie,
Les variétés de Calabi-Yau et les modèles de Landau-Ginzburg,
Les algèbres de Loday et les crochets dérivés,
La cohomologie de Hochschild,
Les algèbres de Hopf et la théorie quantique des champs,
La théorie quantique des champs sur des espaces-temps courbes,
La géométrie généralisée et les espaces supersymétriques,
Les compactifications de cordes et flux,
Les modèles de Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten.
Il y aura sept (7) cours longs, ainsi que cinq (5) mini-cours. Ils fourniront non seulement le matériel de base mais aussi certaines des tendances de la recherche actuelles dans les domaines respectifs. L’école s’adresse spécialement aux étudiants de Master et/ou de Doctorat, en mathématiques et en physique, mais aussi aux jeunes chercheurs attirés par les interactions possibles avec les sujets précédemment décrits.
L’inscription à l’école est ouverte sur la page web : http://icas.unsam.edu.ar/hub/cimpa2019/
La liste des exposants est :
C. Boyallian (UNC, Argentine),
A. Chiodo (Paris 6, France),
A. Frabetti (Université Lyon 1, France),
V. Futorny (USP, Brésil),
L. Göttsche (ICPT, Italie, à confirmer),
M. Graña (CEA-Saclay, France),
E. Herscovich (Université Grenoble Alpes, France),
S.M. Iguri (IAFE, Argentine),
X. de la Ossa (Université d’Oxford, Royaume-Uni, à confirmer),
M.O. Ronco (Universidad de Talca, Chili),
A. Solotar (UBA, Argentine),
D. Waldram (Imperial College, Royaume-Uni).
Comité scientifique :
A. Chiodo (Paris 6, France),
V. Futorny (USP, Brésil),
M. Graña (CEA-Saclay, France),
A. Solotar (UBA, Argentine).
Comité d’organisation :
C. Boyallian (UNC, Argentine),
E. Herscovich (Université Grenoble Alpes, France),
S.M. Iguri (IAFE, Argentine),
Y. Cagnacci (IAFE, Argentine).
Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques :
E. Herscovich (Université Grenoble Alpes, France),
S.M. Iguri (IAFE, Argentine).
Dates importantes :
L’inscription finit le 14 juillet 2019.
L’école commence le 28 octobre 2019.
Des informations et des détails supplémentaires sont disponibles sur le site web de l’école : http://icas.unsam.edu.ar/hub/cimpa2019/
Bourses de voyage et d’hébergement pour les étudiants :
Pour demander une bourse de voyage et/ou d’hébergement du CIMPA, les étudiants de la région doivent d’abord remplir le formulaire d’inscription sur la page web de l’école pour demander après le soutien financier sur https://www.cimpa.info/fr/noeud/40. Nous rappelons que seulement les étudiants, les enseignants et les chercheurs d’une institution située dans un pays en voie de développement différent du pays de l’école sont éligibles au soutien financier du CIMPA.
Women at the Intersection of Mathematics and High Energy Physics 18 -20 Février 2019
http://nccr-swissmap.ch/events/wome... ATTENTION inscriptions jusqu’au 15 février !
Elle fait suite à deux rencontres du même type :
“Women at the Intersection of Mathematics and High Energy Physics” 6-10 Mars 2017 MITP, Mainz (https://www.mitp.uni-mainz.de/)
“Women at the intersection of mathematics and theoretical physics” 9-12 Avril 2018 DESY Hamburg (http://www.desy.de/ )
et part du constat que les femmes sont très peu présentes dans les domaines aux frontières des mathématiques et de la physique théorique. Ces rencontres ont pour objectif de contribuer à augmenter la visibilité des femmes qui s’aventurent dans ces domaines et à encourager d’autres à s’y aventurer et à renforcer les interactions fructueuses qui peuvent surgir aux marges des deux disciplines.
Ces rencontres mêlant des thématiques diverses, les exposés sont conçus de manière très pédagogique, permettent d’avoir un aperçu sur un thème de recherche actif sans connaissance préalable du domaine.
There will be a winter school on "Modular forms, periods and scattering amplitudes" at ETH Zurich, 11-15 February 2019, a joint activity of the ETH Institute for Theoretical Studies and SwissMAP. Please forward this to interested people, especially PhD students and postdocs. . More information and registration :
http://www.eth-its.ethz.ch/activiti... . The focus is on themes of common interest to physicists and mathematicians and on cross-disciplinary dialogue. . The participation is free of charge but registration is required . Limited financial support for young participants is available. The deadline for applications for financial support on the online registration form is 31 December 2018. . There is the possibility to profit from preferential hotel rates if you reserve early. Information will appear soon under "Local information" on the website.
The 2019 Park City Mathematics Institute (PCMI) program "Quantum Field Theory and Manifold Invariants" It will take place June 30 - July 20, 2019 in Park City. PCMI is a vertically integrated institute : there is a Research Program, a Graduate Summer School, and various programs related to undergraduate students and faculty as well as a program for K-12 teachers. Therefore, we encourage you to share this message with colleagues, postdocs, and graduate students.
The Research Program offers large blocks of unstructured time for collaboration as well as organized seminars. New and recent PhDs are especially encouraged to apply as are small groups of collaborators from geographically separate areas. For more information, see :
The highly structured Graduate Summer School consists of several related minicourses :
1. Introduction to Gauge Theory (Andriy Haydys) 2. Introduction to Knot Theory (Jake Rasmussen) 3. Heegaard Floer Homology (Jennifer Hom) 4. Topological Quantum Field Theories/Knots and BPS states (Pavel Putrov) 5. Bordism categories, invertible field theories, and characteristic classes of smooth bundles (Soren Galatius) 6. BPS States and Spectral Networks (Andy Neitzke) 7. Advanced topics in (mathematical) gauge theory/Higgs bundles (Laura Schaposnik) 8. Floer homology (Tom Mrowka)
They vary in level of preparation needed, and the schedule is designed so there are good opportunities for students just entering the field as well as courses suitable for more advanced students. Each course is accompanied by a daily problem session, structured to help students develop facility with the material. For more information, as well as course descriptions, see :
The PCMI website
has much more information about the entire institute.
Everyone must apply ! Applications are due on January 15. For the Research Program application, go to :
For the Graduate Summer School application, go to :
Park City is in the Wasatch Range of the Rocky Mountains. It is a beautiful location with many recreational opportunities to supplement the mathematical activities.
Research school+workshop at the University of Oslo :
Quantum groups and their analysis https://www.mn.uio.no/qg-an-2019 July 29 to August 2, 2019 (School) August 5-9, 2019 (Workshop)
Journées de Physique Mathématique LYON 20-22 June 2018 QUANTUM CHAOS
The Journées de Physique Mathématique Lyon is an annual advanced school in mathematical physics. This year’s edition is devoted to a series of courses on ‘Quantum chaos’. We will organise three mini series of lectures and a few seminars for a mixed audience of mathematical physicists, especially students and young researchers.
The speakers for the lecture series are
Colin Guillarmou (Orsay) Etienne Le Masson (Bristol) Gabriel Rivière (Lille)
If you are interested, please send an email to one of the organisers.
We can presumably provide some financial support for students and young researchers, please contact the organisers.
Nguyen Viet Dang dang@math.univ-lyon1.fr Stefan Hohenegger s.hohenegger@ipnl.in2p3.fr Henning Samtleben henning.samtleben@ens-lyon.fr Fabien Vignes-Tourneret vignes@math.univ-lyon1.fr
A Summer School on “Topological Recursion" will be held in Tübingen, Germany, Aug 27 - 31, 2018.
For details see the link https://www.math.uni-sb.de/ag/speic...
The registration is already open. There is no registration fee and limited funds are available for local support of participants.
This is an announcement for a summer school on geometric representation theory to be held at the Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria in the outskirts of Vienna from 9 to 13 July 2018. The summer school will be aimed toward graduate students, postdocs, and other young researchers, and will feature mini-courses, research talks, and a poster session. More information can be found below, in the attached poster, and through the event website :
The deadline for registration is 31 March 2018.
"Random matrices, maps, and gauge theories", ENS de Lyon, 25-29 June, 2018
This is an announcement for a workshop on "Random matrices, maps, and gauge theories" to be held at ENS de Lyon, France, June 25-29, 2018. It will feature 5 short minicourses (3 hours each) and several research talks.
Details of the scientific program can be found here : http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/adrien.kas...
If you wish to participate, please write to one of the organizers by February 15th. We expect to be able to cover accommodation for a limited number of participants. Funding possibilities will be notified to participants by the beginning of March.
Ceci est la première annonce de la conférence "Théorie géométrique des représentations" qui aura lieu à la station biologique de Besse (le lieu de création du groupe Bourbaki, à côté de Clermont-Ferrand) du 3 au 7 septembre 2018. Les orateurs seront :
Mini cours : Pramod N. Achar (Louisiana State University) Olivier Dudas (CNRS et Université Paris 7) Ben Elias (University of Oregon)
Exposés individuels : Chris Bowman (University of Kent) William Hardesty (Louisiana State University) Leonardo Patimo (Max Planck Institut für Mathematik) Manish Patnaik (University of Alberta) Sebastian Posur (Universität Siegen) Petra Schwer (Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie) Peng Shan (Yau Mathematical Sciences Center)
En raison de la taille de la station, le nombre de participants sera limité à 35 ; une inscription rapide est donc conseillée.
Des informations et le formulaire d’inscription (en ligne) sont disponibles sur la page web de la conférence :
Une école ’EDP & Géométrie’ se tiendra à Jijel (Nord de l’Algérie) 28 Avril - 07 Mai 2018.
Pour plus de détails, concernant le programme et les conférenciers, voir :